Brian Milnes has over 20 years of experience in running businesses and implementing information technology systems.
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Ind Tech Group home of Brian Milnes, businessman and technologist

Call Brian Now on 01223 690550
for a discreet discussion of your needs

Services available to help build a better business

Brian leads a management briefing session

Advice and guidance for Start-up, Small and Medium businesses.
The circumstances of each and every business is unique, but follows a number of similar stages and patterns as it develops. Unusually, Brian has management experience in all stages of SME business growth, from start-up to small to medium and further - to taking companies beyond 250 employees.
Listed below are examples of the sort of services you might expect from Brian, in helping you develop a better business:

Start-up or non-starter? 
Many aspiring entrepreneurs would like objective, impartial and candid analysis of their business idea. This can point out weaknesses, failures and omissions before they impact the businesses' chance of survival. In some cases, such analysis may persuade the entrepreneur to chose another opportunity, or to substantially revise the idea. More often, it will highlight the requirement for a small number of key fundamentals to be met before embarking on any business venture.

• A basic half-day "Business Analysis and Action Plan" is available for £150
(Funding may be available through Business Link's eVoucher scheme)

Taking your business beyond its first customers
Your product or service is launched, you have a small number of paying customers. And now you have to chase them for payment, provide after-sales service, deal with suppliers, pay your bills and try and find time to find some more customers.
How do you take your validated business idea and turn it into a long term, viable and sustainable business? How do you avoid it becoming one of the sadly large number of start-up companies failing within their first three years?

• Our "One-day Full Business Analyser" will give you a comprehensive, independent and objective view of your business and how well it is meeting your aspirations.  It will discover from you as owner(s) whether your key success factors are being met in • profitability • sales & marketing activity • cash flow management • infrastructure & control and • planning & execution. Cost is just £395

Creating sustainable growth for your company  
Employing additional senior staff, necessary to grow your company beyond its owner/manager stage can be a significant risk to the businesses. Culturally, it may well mean a significant shift from a hands-on style to a structured, more formal management discipline. Failing to do this early and well is frequently a limiting factor for owner managed companies.
Choosing the right people is critical to your success and delivering your targets, but how do your ensure that not only are candidates' skills and experience real and relevant but that their personality and style won't disrupt or damage your operation?

• Our "Full Function, Operational and Planning Analysis" program will build on your existing plan, help you refine it, and determine the right people to carry it through. It will provide the tools necessary to identify, recruit and profile the right candidates for the positions. Price £795

Brian would love to help you build yourself a better business
      Don't leave it to chance; plan, revise and adapt
  Seek help from others, don't go it alone
  Work hard, but work smart
  Risk is necessary but reduce it wherever possible
  Your mettle will be tested, be prepared for tough challenges
  Be proud that you took the chance to make a difference

Call now - start realising your full potential!

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